
Reiki is a relaxing treatment where natural healing vibrations are
transmitted through the hands of a Reiki practitioner (acting as a conduit) to the body of the recipient. The purpose of a Reiki treatment is to relieve stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle bodies energies and support other medical modalities including traditional therapies.

Reiki sessions are administered with the client fully clothed and usually lying on a massage table unless sitting on a chair is needed for a health condition.   The flow of energy is not impeded by clothing or jewelry; however, for greatest relaxation, it is best to wear comfortable clothes and quiet jewelry.

In a Reiki session, the practitioner places her hands on or above the client’s physical body in order to transmit healing energy to receptive points of the body or energy field. The practitioner’s hands move progressively or intuitively with a passive touch through various positions on the body, remaining in each position for three or more minutes. A total Reiki session generally takes about sixty minutes and results in a balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

Schedule your Reiki session today.